Learn something newLearn something new today!

Is there something you’re curious about, a skill you want to learn?  Choose something specific, then decide how you want to learn about it.

If you’re feeling ambitious:

  • Take a class!  Is there a community college or university near you?  See if you can enroll for a course as a non-degree student, or take a continuing education course.
  • Learn a new language!  I know, that’s really ambitious–but there’s a “free educational website for language exchanges” at language-exchanges.org.  Pick a language you would like to learn, and the website connects you with a speaker of that language who is interested in learning your language.  You’re both teachers & learners, via Skype!

Moderate motivation:

  • Check out quora.com–I don’t know how to describe it. . . A search engine based on questions. . . Pinterest for nerds. . . You can follow topics like “Positive Psychology!”
  • Read a book.  Looking for a good book and can’t get to the library or bookstore?  Check out the Digital Public Library of America, described in Fast Company as “Google books done right.”  This resource includes maps, photos, and full online versions of books!  Click on Bookshelf to search for books by topic or author.
  • Take an online course–check out Coursera for free online college-level courses.
  • Download the iTunes U app for free classes from major universities.
  • Or take a class online with Udacity!  You can take classes for free, or if you need college credit, you can pay $150 to get entry level college credits in classes such as Intro to Psychology.

If you need something easy:

What did you learn about today?

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